Itthon is és kapcsolatban Slow is smooth and smooth is fast Relaxáltan, odaadó figyelemmel
Itthon is és kapcsolatban Slow is smooth and smooth is fast Relaxáltan, odaadó figyelemmel
Everything works out for me, always. I have this wonderful, natural job. I am in none of the perinatal matrices.
This letter is about openness and connection. Transparency, introduction, recognition and a touch. And it is by no means precise,…
2024 – 07 – 26 – 2024 – 08 – 04 Fujifilm X-T4 • Fujinon XF 35mm F2 R WR…
2024 – 07 – 16 Fujifilm X-T4 • Fujinon XF 35mm F2 R WR Full circle.
2024 – 06 – 27 – 2024 – 09 – 15 Fujifilm X-T4 • Fujinon XF 35mm F2 R WR…
"Love everyone and tell the truth." my Mother, Ram Dass, Neem Karoli Baba ♌︎♏︎♈︎ – szép, stabil, ciklikus háromszög az…
Itthon vagy Balázskám Kedves vagy És jó, hogy itt vagy velünk Szeretsz minket? You are here, at home, Darling Balázs…
Supporting myself with the right pace I was held, once upon a time in feminine, blue, oceanic waters of joy…
Rivers of sadness Shame A grimace engraved so deep That this mouth opens and my innocent face widens Into a…
Love yourself for who you are, I love myself for who I am, I love you thoroughly for who you…
Patience of the Moon, I feel loved by her – and I love her. She is reasonable – not infinite,…
Feléd lépni felém lépni. "It does not have to be worse than this." – J The surrealism of life unfolds…
It's not 100% my fault. I don't know where I am going. I am going nevertheless. Goals might emerge along…
This is the golden rule This is the only currency That we have to pay in person And be prepared…
(Originally a Telegram message to E.) Opening towards pair-development and a liveable, organic, gradual family lifestyle is happening in me.
I really enjoy spending time in the first matrix, in the oceanic consciousness of home. Mixed masculine and feminine energies,…
"In your journeys you will find, balance of the heart and mind." Let us be gentle with ourselves and with…
This is a chronicle of a COEX-based process unfolding in the span of a few days, that of separation and…
(A címlapkép Papp Norbert munkája, "Család".) Holotropic routing prayer Let me walk my flavour of the path of J. F.
I have a receptive persona, soft and gentle, feminine Waiting for invitations to come in And moving along accordingly And…
You may land on my shoulders, butterflies, sit all over my skin Time by time You pull me back into…
What have I learned in 44 years? Welcome people who are open and trustful to you. Welcome people who enable…
Szeretetre és egészségre törekedjünk Ne egy helyzetre Ne egy formára, hanem egy érzetre, érzésre Ha más érzelmi minőség, testi emlék…
These were Adam's thoughts: You gonna get whatever you look for Attention placement 🔴 Whatever you focus on, grows Find…
Slow burn, slowly pulsating jazz funk Sensitive and soft yet tough epidermis Nipples and the skin on the back quite…
Szerényebbé alászállok Fényesebbé alászállok Felületesebbé alászállok Szélesebbé alászállok • Arcodat a tenyerembe veszem Megcsókollak és egy picit megkeresem a nyelved…
Elasztikusság "Riding style" Milyen lehetőségekre van szükségem? Szivárványszínű, fényes Dél Keresztje Összekötve
Endure and wonder. Bírd ki és csodálkozz.
Rejected by whom, which part of ours, and also accepted by which nurturing part? Inner, warm cradle of love –…
(A címlapkép Papp Norbert munkája, "Az ego sárkányának megszelídítése".) Kedves Olvasók! Milyen fontos a kapcsolat közöttünk! Nekem nagyon fontos. Hogy…
"Figyeljünk a sebeinkre És az élet örömére" Motherly abuse And motherly love And motherly self-care And an admiration for life…
Tisztázzunk valamit az elején! Semmit, soha nem kell prezentálni – nem kell, sőt nem lehetséges helyes választ adnom azokra a…
Nagyon fontos a vájb, vibe, összehangoltság, barátság Finoman egymásra érzünk, egymással élvezzük Az életet, munkát, közös tanulást; lágy és erős…
Gregorian calendar date Sun Jul 23 2023 11:54:00 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) Stardate 12307.23 * A worluki drén időszámítás…
This immense joy of missing out Turns everything into the opposite Lacking becomes riches Rest is easy and full Sacred,…
Azt választom, hogy több vagyok, mint amit a szem lát. Azt választom, hogy a kapcsolatok, amikről azt gondoljuk valósak, tényleg…
Akkor élek igazán, ha látom a szíved mintázatát The only time I truly live is when I see your heart…
Magadat szeresd Isten is szeret Minden rendben Love thyself God loves you Alles in Ordnung Itthon vagy, Kedvesem Teljesen rendben…
Finom és figyelmes leszek. Megfelelően táplálkozom, a testemre, lelkemre figyelek. Mindenkiére, ha lehet. Az eszemet rugalmasan és sokrétűen tartom. Szeretek.
My resilience and responsibility are one The ability to contain the pain And move on With the moment and life…
In using my voice I have to take responsibility Over my life I have to speak up And highlight what…
Desire I am burning in the fire Of what has never been I am burning in the fire Of past…
Precious one, you are loved. For no particular reason. Unfolding at times of remembrance, completion, sometimes with an urge to…
Relax Unload No need Refill Accept Be wild Be me Truly me And much more
A wild animal in Heaven This is who I am Aeons, fathoms in my head Burning campfire within my soul…
(Explicitly illustrated, for adults only / Explicit illusztrációval, csak felnőttek számára) This is such an exceedingly simple life Of warm,…
- not a very good poem with a very good message - It is superfine Everything goes to shit This…
- mostly in Hungarian - Világi, átvitt orgazmusban Most pihenni Semerre se menni Semmilyen veszélyre, életre nem figyelni Itthon lenni,…
Loosening attractor I have not changed Daily habits changed The amount of sparkle seen in the world changed The ratio…
Innocence is lost In essence: chaos An unwinnable game of enmity Within ourselves And others A wide stretch Of love…
Softness In a tree trunk In hunger for a pizza In eating the pizza In a step In drinking a…
I would like to be real all the time, to come across real, and really go out. I would like…
To be real is a thing, and I would like to be fucking real all the time. If I could.
The Judge cannot live in the Heart. Go where the Judge cannot live. A mellow place.
Beauty is what beauty does. Father writing a poem to his son. The son answering. A variation: Beauty is what…
The trigger comes, no understanding, no acceptance or love towards me. (Through a man this time.) The message might be…
Be humble my friend. Becoming small while widening. This can be an extremely gentle place, let go.
Egy leszbikus hangulatú (pontatlan így) nővel szeretnék együtt lenni. Aki azért engem szeret, meglátja bennem a lágyat is és a…
There is also light shining through the wound In my belly and in me Gates are opening Yet everything is…
My current natural high aside, every inch of the last weeks point in the same direction, that the only approach…
Szolgálat Kinek mennyit adhatok magamból, erőből, szépségből, együttlétből, figyelemből? Enyhít-e, hűsít-e az érintésem? Szívem tisztítótüze világít-e? Tüzem melegít-e? Egész vagyok,…
Keeping a level head in all the pain. Being level with the world and others and having all options available.
The pure joy of a touch. The joy of unhindered, uncontrolled, benevolent touches. The touch of loving, touch of cool…
I can be a child without my mother, and I may be an adult without my partner. I no longer…
"Csináld meg!" Radikálisan fel kell ébrednem! Soha életemben nem akarok többet hazudni vagy valamit elrejteni, elfelejteni, elrejtőzni. Igazat mondok. Az…
I am so much interested in your mind and love, Your refreshing, soothing presence, And also whether you like to…
The Loop revisited, Everything is a triangle Due to division and fear Me relating To a healthy counterpart, Also to…
All my alter egos were revealed Sitting here beside me Breathing openly, breathing deeply No smile, smiling shy, or widely…
INFP ❤ INFP or INFJ + Communication + Staying power is sort of my dream work and combination. To truly…
The Big Loop: Being in a relationship in a way that it is not fulfilling in one way or another,…
I'd like to be very well loved Also very well love With a purple heart That feels like our centre…
A poem about family About feathers and pain And most of all endurance Loyalty And devoted love This is a…
Because a "for what" is usually a "for whom". Instead of wanting someone to want for you what you want…
So I'd like to live with someone not for more life, but to feel biologically and psychologically content and be…
A quest for glory: After a horrendously difficult yet successful birth! Many intrusive impressions! That is the most difficult balance…
We are loved, You mean? So blessed you are, You are loved by many women, So do not make a…
❤️ I am a happy songbird, little brown and grey songbird, one of many, singing your soul song. I will…
It is not about either staying frozen or dying It is about either dying frozen or living It is about…
Kuplung Olyan, mintha kuplungot nyomnék folyamatosan, pörög a motor, nagy sebességgel, gördül az élet, buckás úton, és a kettőnek össze…
"Celebrate Wild Potency, your own sacred power and relationship with your sexual energy." Az életerővel nem lehet lacafacázni, pláne balfaszkodni.
Contents Triangular and circular dream Another dream ◬⊙ ♡ Triangular and circular dream Dear J, I must share today's dream,…
An inaccurate account of heart- and meaningful experiences around the early summer of 2022. These were written on and right…
I am not an eye candy, I am a soul candy — Perhaps, And sometimes I may be an eye…
Uram istenem, Kérlek add meg nekem, Hogy ez az ember Készen álljon az igaz áramlásra. My God, Please grant it…
Complete beginner Complete rest Complete godhead Gabriel's shadow Kingfisher Eternal Eagle Ground Mammoth Earthly embrace Death Life Eternal struggle Freedom…
Fosztóképző -talan -telen • Healing is more important than health Healing is love Health is a treasure • Mestergyógyító Édesanyámnak…
(Explicitly illustrated, for adults only / Explicit illusztrációkkal, csak felnőttek számára) ❤️ Meg nem kezdett utazás Prospektus, enyhén gyűrött fedlappal,…
(Explicitly illustrated / Explicit illusztrációkkal) Pursuing Non-doing Maintains connection, Long lost severances Unsevered • To love is To do good,…
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn Is just to love and be loved in return" This is a communal practice…
- Tükröm, tükröm, mondd meg nékem! - Sosem vagy egyedül a világban! Minden rendben benned! Amit érzel, igazi. Köszönöm, hogy…
We are here for each other Dome of nourishment A sweet child I am What is real Does not die…
Jézus tanítása Krisztus jelenléte Mély hála Szív Töviskoszorú Finom Új élet The teaching of Jesus The presence of Christ Deep…
Pain, headache. Tightness, thorns. 🡆 "I feel abandoned." This is a true poem. "True hug." This is a poem. This…
Rich and dark dirt Black skeletal hands reaching up from it Pristine shit Frail blossoms Stems and petals in pale…
Mindent a lehető legjobban csináltam Bűnbánó lehetek, sosem bűntudatos My religion is not to feel ashamed or guilt Remorseful, never…
Relentless love The bottomlessness of unceasing love Out and back to light Embodied love Utter safety Radiant peace Liberated chest…
Kurvaság Holdtölte, majd hirtelen holdfogyatkozás Elmosódott, rószaszín-rózsás-vörös kijárat Szív alakú Csonkolt has Elhagyott otthon Majd újra otthont találni idegenben Nagyobb…
We truly wish the best for our relatives For our loved ones And for ourselves We wish to embrace them…
Remember - every part of the dream is an aspect of you ❤️❤️❤️ (Je says) Peace is made of peace…
Sziasztok! Édesanyám tegnap meghalt. Nekem ez jutott eszembe tegnap: 4 hours after passing My Mother and Father are standing behind…
My Mother and Father are standing behind me My Father to the right, his left palm on my shoulder My…
Supportive work ethics I don't know the exact nature of your experience But I love you truly That is what…
Sírvers: T. B. A., élt nagyon finom életet • Amikor Édesanyám meghal Vajon én is meghalok-e? Még élek • Az…
Maintain an innocent attitude! The Lord said And I did And loved And was ever careful
Yes, thank you. I sense that this time teaches us to love more. With less questions, right attention, I mean…
This myriad-flow of life On its fat, wide course Multiple fingers of a hand Multiple veins in a wide heart…
I was born cordless into this world, and This is why I lack every missed relationship Every missed lovemaking Every…
Hotter than guilt More than just sorrow A big unsafety Burning from the inside Adrenaline, fear Uncertainty, only vanishing is…
Blue and canary yellow Women in skirts to their knees Men in tight suits, always in time
Relaxation brings the exact medicine For our heart and nervous system So relax For it to unfold In ways you…
There is nothing more stunning or catching Than an honest, gentle smile Beautifully lighting up a voice, eyes or visage…
Every given day I try to Remember Encouragement Appreciate Everything I have The sun and moon above Water to drink…
Spiritual-hippie-Rousseau trap Tech trap The trap of being held by anything new Anything big we encounter Either by the vivid…
Ich bin mit mir noch tief verliebt Fasciniert Mit euch Injoy Inscape Liebe sein Rich solitude Reiche Einsamkeit Schönheit Ruhe…
Kezdeti szeretet Mindegy, hogy mekkora a tér, minden rendben Mindegy, hogy mit tettél, minden rendben Jelenlét, türelem, tér Eredendő szeretet…
Force majeure A snail out of its house Soft hair and soft core That which takes away is no father…
I am writing this note into a separate notebook, onto a clean slate, and yet I feel connected with the…
I need to breathe I ever so need to breathe And to bloom and to feel To be in love…
Beautiful, perfect eyes Wide jaw, strong teeth A calming gaze, a softer stride If you are like that You gonna…
The white of her gaze The depth of her sight — Black holes of love — A white space to…
A withheld ejaculation Instead of an ejaculation naturellement An ejaculation without stroking Just a simple touch At the tip With…
I am waiting for the invitation Of light To be seen A beam of love A beam of semen A…
For four players A family of four The four winds The four cardinal directions A chess table for more For…
In many situations I protest Respect and protest But respect the wrong thing Do not respect my position Rather the…
It seems not to fit Any better Than before When I was so comfortable in my skin I was born…
Many times it is uplit When I close my eyelids I close them tight And pull the blanket tight in…
I do not need no substance The world has substance enough The borderless psyche has content plenty enough And the…
Layer two A little deeper A little stranger Dick, dick, dick Jummy, jummy dick Cock, cock, cock Jummy cock Pussy,…
Brother, brother, brother I love you brother Father, father I love you father Even though I fear you as well…
Made of bone and meat My body pains and aches And feels safe My heart races My lips smile I…
The Inner Codex Black Codex The Black Bible Inner Sanctum Black Manifesto The Dark Codex The Inner Light What should…
Open = Fear
Be humble As the dive of a heron Let your flame die into itself Cool off and dry Begin to…
It is acceptable If you die for it Stop Stop doing it Very easy Just die for it Be fully…
10 PRINT "You are not a broken car" 20 PRINT "Come as you are" 30 PRINT "This poem is no…
What makes you think that I am an outsider What makes me think that you think that I am an…
Small boat, white sails Big wind, grey waves And yet I sail With conviction To the other shore
(Personal process) Shock, Threat —> Becoming small, Loosing security —> Finding myself in a power struggle (Mother vs Father, me…
Awareness, awareness Allow, allow There is no war in this world There is only internal war Awareness, awareness Allow, allow…
Is it any good? It is what it is. Alapvetően Szeretlek Annyira, hogy összeráz Monism ⨀ There is one simple…
I was fully blown into my face Fully born into my face With the help of my father I love…
Drop the doubt Rewind Drop the doubt Again Drop the doubt
Softly choosing • through movement • the truth of this present moment. Travelling • always in movement. Safely arriving •…
Privacy is sacred in my eyes Mine was overstepped, when I was young And I overstepped others’, forever gone Please…
Love, love In, in, in Nothing says I love you more than “Do not put yourself under any pressure” Just…
I learned to flow more with life Even though I did not live through clear light I know these states…
Life brings us peace Life brings me possibilities Always and always And safety And companions Celestial support Visible and invisible…
The pale, bright, white face Of a new moon A love letter to clarity A new life Sanctity A sickle…
Then just go, work! Please. You can do it. Does it matter? Done.
A beautiful poem Full of light Akin to the new moon
A star A night light A lampion on a boat in the reed A candle in a sermon A good…
Life is belonging Fully living is belonging fully To a piece, any piece In peace really One embrace at a…
Part of the game Shit and gold Just smile Ass on the chair Feet on the ground
On the verge of death Shocked and frozen Dead By the dozen Living again Equanimous, unprotected
It must be joyous Deep love, deep peace überall Even though I cannot see it, sense it Not at all…
Come to me Just come to me And be happy
Come to me Whenever you come to me Without looking for anything in return Then all is ripe, free, alive…
I am free Independent Enough I am connected Full and Happy I am a good man Deeply And I need…
Irgalom vére Isten reménye Most is örök hála Szent szívtér Szeretet Blood of mercy Hope of God Now eternal gratitude…
Jó ember vagyok Mélységemben Ennél többet nem tehetek I am a good man Deeply I cannot do anything more J:…
In whatever way I can, I follow my heart’s yearning, and that will lead me home. There is finally silence…
And little pockets of pain And true feeling and ember Called future, but not really that Just a drawer That…
“What is my next step in my relationship with R?” ☰☱☲☳☴☵☶☷ 1) Wounded Lady In your relationship the next step…
Presence is To be there (with someone) Jelen lenni azt jelenti Ott lenni (valakivel)
I am still being baked, cooked, expression yet to arrive. Energy system vacuum cleaned and flushed through, so need some…
Presence is a tricky thing, Subtle, sensitive, unknown. How does it happen? I don’t know. Maybe a feather in the…
I was accepted in her work And I could do mine In clear presence Involvement Fulfillment and joy and love…
Golden Child, I love you so much And I will always be with you And always and always be with…
No to things that are wrong, Not the ones where I belong — Say yes to those in your favor,…
How, how to be a human In contact, part of a family, in love All the time? By being me…
All you must do is trust In trust, everything has a chance to settle In trust, there is apt time…
It was enough for Jesus. Is it enough for you? Jézusnak elég volt ennyi. Neked elegendő?
Life force with a will to live Kills Moves mountains Sets you free Lets you be
I’d like to shed my skin I’d like to be out there I’d like to be everywhere I understand those…
What will you do when force does not work any more? Will you adjust to love? No, you won’t. You…
What will you do when force does not work any more? Will you adjust to love? Only as a last…
A process alone Is a process in gold A process in the company Of millennia, of great cohorts All in…
The perfection of God is in me I am an ultimate object I have clean lines I am a symbol…
I vanished. I am not here. I used to be shiny, crystal-clear and strong. I used to be stable, on…
I am black and brown, Made of steel, brass, plastic. I am very sturdy, safe, I am balanced, thick, heavy,…
I would like to reside in my voice Inhabit my voice Give life to my voice Sound my voice Show…
||: When focusing on a person, on a problem, on pain, on despair, on helplessness, please focus wider. Know what…
This is one decision away One stop away Simple, complete rest Right here, where I am And where I go…
“Just be gentle!” Every once in a while we loose some of our presence. Then we are only partially here.
Our heart is capable of perpetually breaking and melting And when we can just allow it and go really easy…
Dancing at the crossroads, At the no place Where past and future meet, This is the moment when Stillness moves…
I am peace I am peace And my body is a prayer for peace That’s all Yours, too And I…
Peace in every breath The wide and wild sky, air, in every inspiration Being held by the Ever-living Lady And…
One bird: The bird from the innermost chamber of my heart lifts up and sits on your shoulder. More birds:…
Stones Grey and white stones on the ground, And a green one: Finding a way to love you Kövek Szürke…
To: I will not kill you I am aware of you I honour you Fro: I believe you I understand…
Sitting at the cauldron of emptiness Stories at bay In peace
Lay down the arms Find a means for peace Grope for peace Be peace Head to toe I love you
Snow melting down my face Going in Being in Meeting my heart Clarity in everything Each move Each vein In…
Become wide Be calm and wide Breathe Harmonize the sides Do silk reeling Alternate nostril breathing Cold showers Exercise
What is the difference between being god and knowing that I am god? Being at the mercy of… whom? Being…
Message for when it is time: How is your pain? I love you with your pain, and I love you…
Contents Prelude A love letter Message for when it is time Window of opportunity – a song of trauma Become…
Thich Nhat Hanh: In the garden of my heart the flowers of peace bloom beautifully. Fordításom: Szívem kertjében a békesség…
Rev. Alan Jones: A Franciscan prayer Oh my God, you are here Oh my God, I am here Oh my…
This is the experience Don’t look further, there is not more than this Just stay tender, all innocent, still And…
Néhány nap múltán a hasam egy masszőrlány szerető figyelmében lágyul majd el. Azt követően néhány nappal újra kinyílik a szívem.
Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī: There is a field Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll…
Oṃ amideva hrīḥ Om praise to the infinite god Om praise to the infinite self Om dícsértessék a végtelen isten…
Ülj le mellém, rengeteg a hely / Sit with me my dear, there is a lot of space Gyere, hadd…
The lake is utterly here And I simply sit on the shore And I simply sit on the shore When…
I am inside and outside, Weaving, infusing, transforming, I just hope my body can keep up peacefully. How many times…
Secret lift-off This flower is open The Light-bird of the Heart rose up And sings a song Sattvic body Sattvic…
Last evening was a rare one, with grey to purple to pink to blue on the sky, no ripples on…
Egymásba Szépséges, kitartó magot vetettünk el egymásba. Vetett belénk az élet. Önmagába. Magam adom – magom adom. A mag nem…
Jim Kacian: 1 haiku clouds seen through clouds seen through Fordításom: felhőkön átsejlő felhőkön át tisztán látni
Adela Bevan: Raw Raw as the untamed sun Raw as our broken hearts Raw as a babies first cry Raw…
This work is dedicated to the people who — knowingly or unknowingly — help it to become what it is.
Dear Friend! This weblog is a creative outlet for me and a place to gather my writing, a story, a…