Thrive (1)

"Figyeljünk a sebeinkre
És az élet örömére"
Motherly abuse
And motherly love
And motherly self-care
And an admiration for life
Vivid, childish forms
Everything moves, animates, flows
Neat and modern
And oozes of innocent awe
A heartfelt enthusiasm
To boldly experience the fullness
Of respectful creativity
And the big magic of loving life
Very moving to see self-care manifest
Wonderful to witness a break-less life
And to always choose that
Act on that, all the time
In every situation
By respecting and avoiding sinkholes
Humbly and boldly choosing joy
And an out-pour of life
By building good, reflective environments
Choosing nourishing friends
Encompassing our blind spots
And being helpful and nourishing ourselves