Delicious dark

I would like to be real all the time,
to come across real, and really go out.
I would like to feel all dangers in my chest,
overpowering danger, and if possible stay open.
I would like to give myself, and receive you,
without protecting my core and closing your soul off.
I would like to feel nourishment in the as-is-ness of things,
get nourishment from displaying our true emotions and thoughts.
I would like to remain impartial, both with me and you.
I would like to be able to love, be loved, to choose,
and to acknowledge whatever is going on,
and to deeply know it is a love-this-moment phenomenon.
It is our nature, nothing really happens,
we have a vivid view of wild and beautiful lands,
beings, allies, embodiment,
and we are here just to bathe, in love, in a human experience.
I would like to be able to let go and die to it,
I would like to be able to walk with humility,
with the certain knowledge that I still remain loved,
that I still can play, love, and so that will ever be.