Fear Process

(Personal process)

Shock, Threat —> Becoming small, Loosing security —> Finding myself in a power struggle (Mother vs Father, me vs Father, me vs All, me protected) —> Fear

Birth process —> Being born —> Being there with an open wound in the belly —> BPM 2 and then 3 again

Something greater made me loose the safety of the belly —> Loosing the world —> Now I loose safety and the world again
Possible inability to reconnect at this point, acting accordingly —> Rejecting the world —> Consciousness thereof and to act kindly helps

Looking for help —> Kindness helps

Helplessness —> Recuperation through reconnection – With myself – With people, habits —> A buzz of BPM 3 occurs —> Expression, Movement, Presence
BPM 3 buzz: I can’t (withholding) —> I can (release)

Arriving back to the world —> Reclaiming myself and the world again

Being in a friendly world again

Sexual Layer —> I do have a male and a female side —> I am foremost a man, and also a woman —> We – the people – make love to ourselves, via each other

Sexuality —> Through birth and after —> BPM 3 —> Either denial: Shame —> Or acceptance: Love

Denial —> Fear —> Blindness —> Acceptance —> Wholeness

Maybe all —> arrows in this diagram can be written in a <—> bidirectional format

Maybe there are shortcuts