Desire & Razglednicák

I am burning in the fire
Of what has never been
I am burning in the fire
Of past wounds and their remedies
I am burning in the fire
Of desires
I am burning in the fire
Of what I have done and of what I have not done
I am standing in the fire
Of endless snakes
I am burning in the fire
Of rightdoing and wrongdoing
And I am burning in the fire
Of this human life
I am burning in the fire of Purgatory
Where one becomes lucky
When aims and deeds become nil
When one becomes clean
I am sharing this fire with you
Standing around me – please stand
With my family, ancestors
The whales and ants
The air, sun and sky
Working in community
Coming clean
Showing up
Taking responsibility
One becomes lucky
One burns from the inside
Desires do not move me
Attraction repels me
Unrest intrudes me
I'd rather burn
So it be
I'd like to be an open map
That I am not
I'd like to be seen
As I am, sex-positive
I am wounded there
Or events just highlighted it for me
I am sometimes offended
When I am not left in peace
I am forcibly moved
My creativity cannot fully live
I am here
I don't like to be left out
I like to be seen
And yet I hide
So here I burn
Let constructs burn
Let me burn
Let me burn
Once in a while
I think some structures do not fit me well
Only a few, and my own ones do
I have been called offensive before
For just who I was
I seemed to have caused pain
And maybe I was
And so did they
Silencing, and the silence who I was
Ha nektek is van kreatív energiátok
Akkor nekem is lehet
Sőt van
Mindenem lehet
Sőt van
És őszinte lehetek
Ha én érzem, ő is érzi
Van itt valami
Nem vagyok hülye
A természet így fizet
A testem csupa seb
Believe in believe!
Let go
Néha nem az a bázis amit annak hiszünk
Néha lappang
Néha csak azt gondoljuk
Nem tudunk semmit
Szeressünk mindig
Hallgassuk a testünk
Ki tudja mi a sebességünk
Mit mutat a sérülésünk
Annak a szélén, ami van
Ott van közvetlenül, ami nincs
És az út nem azon keresztül vezet
Amin gondoljuk
Nincsen keresztül
Találkozásaink vannak
Ez egy óceán
És én csak ülök a partján