Curriculum Vitae

Synopsis: Tóth, Balázs Aladár
Software architect / Software developer with 20 years of professional experience, 30 years of programming experience (in 2025).
Favourable programming environments: JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, Python, C*, anything with a GUI.
Very good social skills. Very good in writing. Trustful presence.
Someone with a big picture view.
Fluent in English, good in German. Native in Hungarian.
My answers to a handful of general tech interview questions (from 2021) may be found here.
Name: Tóth, Balázs Aladár Birth: 1979 Contact: balazs @ aladar dot me
Experience in roles so far: Software architect, Senior developer, Solution architect, Operations manager, Single point of contact (encompassing 20 years)
Favourite editor: Visual Studio Code, Kate and Publii
- I work precisely. I like to co-create, especially user experiences and underlying protocols. I appreciate a good and clean structure.
- Simplicity and standards-compliancy. (Created a web 2.0 framework in 2005 that without any modifications runs on iOS flawlessly to this day. In 2018, refactoring and modernizing it to JavaScript 6, HTML5, (S)CSS3 took about a week.)
- Ability to step back and perceive from a bird’s eye perspective. Ability to work with concepts and specifications, assessing needs and requirements, meet them with the right tooling.
- Down-to-earth, step-by-step, practical management of challenging situations.
- Well developed listening abilities. Good at creating and maintaining a peaceful atmosphere. Responsibility-management.
- Non-judgmental and empowering way of communication and conflict resolution.
- Respectful and accepting attitude towards human strengths and weaknesses.
Tech skills:
- Scrum, Incremental and Holacracy models
- Software and system design, audit, know-how transfer
- C4 Model, arc42, PlantUML, Mermaid
- Windows (Server), macOS, Linux, BSD, Solaris, AIX
- JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML5, (S)CSS3, Java, Groovy, Python, C*, SQL, PL/SQL, Intel assembly, shell scripting and various other scripts, Object Pascal, RegEx
- JS and CSS frameworks (React, Vue.js, Handlebars, Tailwind, Bulma, LoDash, Dojo, etc.), Node.js, Spring Boot, Hibernate, GraalVM, Quarkus, Java EE, TK, QT, Eclipse and Netbeans Platform
- Oracle, DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, H2, SQLite, Redis
- Azure and Amazon Web Services
- Apache (Tomcat), Nginx, JBoss, Weblogic, WebSphere
- Experience in test automation, testing methodologies, benchmarking, linting
Work experience:
- 2024-ongoing • Solution architect @ Lufthansa Systems, Swiss
- NDC and PCCM projects • A modernization of ticket distribution and partner management at Swiss. General solutioning steps, solution drafts, system diagrams according to C4 model, requirement analysis, SAD (Solution Architecture Document) development.
- 2022-2024 • Solution architect @ Lufthansa Systems
- AERQ / PED • A project aiming to connect personal electronic devices to aircraft systems during flight, provide flight info, entertainment, guides, shopping, etc. to passengers • Node.js, React, NestJS, Next.js and Tailwind based product • C4 Model, arc42, PlantUML, Mermaid,, REST, Redis, monitoring tools, Munin, ELK stack, conceptual and specification work, structural and communication diagrams, networking, flow charts
- 2021-2022 • Software architect @ Lufthansa Systems
- Tackling various projects and technologies in the NetLine range of products, on several levels of abstraction. • C4 Model, arc42, PlantUML, Windows, Linux, WSL, Docker, Kubernetes, Azure, JBoss, Java, Spring Boot, GraalVM, Quarkus, EcmaScript, TypeScript, React, Keycloak, ActiveMQ Artemis, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Terraform, Liquibase, GitOps, Kafka, Grafana, Prometheus
- 2020-2021 • Senior software architect (R&D) @ OR Security
- Assessment and development of mainly web-based software projects. Clients ranging from healthcare to automotive and other industries. • Modern web technology stack, Node, Vue, cloud computing services, static CMS engines
- 2017-2020 • Senior developer @ IT Services Hungary, T-Systems International
- Daimler Supplier Recovery System Ⓟ a system to follow through all Daimler vehicles’ post-factory life and handle all warranty procedures, failures, recalls both in Europe and the US • Scrum, Java, SQL, TypeScript, Dojo, JAX-RS, Ext JS, NeoLoad
"Balazs hat sich mit seiner freundlichen und kooperativen Art sehr gut in unser Team eingebracht.
Er war sowohl mit der Implementierung von Frontend-Funktionalitäten (u.a. Dojo) als auch mit Backend-Funktionalitäten (Tomcat, IBM DB2) in einem Automotive Bestandsprojekt betraut.
Seine Deutschkenntnisse konnte er während unseres Projekts weiter ausbauen und auch im Kundenkontakt einsetzen.
Bei Fragen zu seinem Einsatz in unserem Projekt kann ich gerne zur Verfügung stehen."
Antje Burkhardt
T-Systems, PM
"Du warst immer „gut drauf“ und professionell unterwegs. Die Zusammenarbeit hat Spaß gemacht und schon nach dem ersten kurzen Treffen in Budapest dachte ich, dass du gut ins Team passt."
Sacha Bullinger
T-Systems, PM
- Daimler Supplier Recovery System Ⓟ a system to follow through all Daimler vehicles’ post-factory life and handle all warranty procedures, failures, recalls both in Europe and the US • Scrum, Java, SQL, TypeScript, Dojo, JAX-RS, Ext JS, NeoLoad
- 2017 fall • Project manager @ UniCredit Business Integrated Solutions
- Project management of a 35-strong staff on various banking projects
- 2015-2017 • Single point of contact @ IT Services Hungary, T-Systems International
- Rechnungs Online Ⓟ online bill presentment service for Deutsche Telekom • Holacracy, AIX, Oracle, WebSphere, Java, JavaScript, shell script
- 2013-2014 • Operations manager @ Avallain, Europe
- E-learning solutions Ⓟ for clients like the Oxford University Press, Richmond, Cornelsen, Macmillan, Cambridge University Press, ETS TOEFL, Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband • my role was single-handed infrastructure design and maintenance, communication, coordination • heavy use of Amazon Web Services, Linux, Windows, SQL, NoSQL, Java, PHP, Ruby, JavaScript, shell script
- 2011-2012 • Technical architect @ Idium, Oslo
- Idium Web+ and Idium Social Ⓟ web and Facebook presence for about five thousand Norwegian businesses • Scrum, Java, PHP, JavaScript, Dojo, custom Linux cluster, MySQL, Selenium
- 2010-2011 • Senior developer @ IT Services Hungary, T-Systems International
- Abili-T Produkt Pflege Tool Ⓟ reference implementation, data model and test data generator to cover the entire Deutsche Telekom product and condition lineup • J2SE, Eclipse Modelling Framework, Eclipse Rich Client Platform
- 2009-2010 • Senior developer @ IT Services Hungary, T-Systems International
- POC4 Ⓟ data migration solution • J2SE
- 2006-2009 • Senior developer @ IT Services Hungary, T-Systems International
- WebCare Ⓟ full billing and web infrastructure for congster then congstar • knowledge transfer, J2EE, Spring, Hibernate, Axis, JSP, openArchitectureWare, Poseidon, Solaris, Windows, WebLogic, JBoss, Oracle
- 2004-2005 • Developer @ T-Systems International, Berlin
- T-Com SIP-Phone Ⓟ soft-phone product prototype for IFA 2005 • J2SE, web
- T-Com Family Whiteboard Ⓟ smart home product prototype for CeBIT 2005 and IPK 2005 • J2SE, ActionScript • good to see my first commercial product at CeBIT
- 2024 • Facilitator of Grof® Breathwork (GLT)
- 2024 • Facilitator of Holotropic Breathwork®, trained in Transpersonal Psychology (GTT)
- 2017 • Scrum master
- 2008-2014 • Sports trainer, Yoga instructor, FMS instructor, Clubbell instructor
- 2002-2004 • Information Technology Engineer B.Sc. @ Budapest Polytechnic of Technology, Hungary
- 1997-2001 • Ten semesters of Information Technology and Economics studies @ University of Veszprém, Hungary
- Hungarian • native speaker
- English • elegant
- German • good
Informal experience:
- Every now and then • coming up with ideas about design, information representation, cooperation, productivity and sustainability, that may mean a new workflow, syntax highlight or document structure
- 2005-ongoing • ConSense Ⓟ dynamic, standards-compliant web framework and inspector console that works across platforms, beginning in the era of Firefox 0.8, ahead of its time and peers: Prototype, jQuery or any web developer extension
- 2004 • WebTongue Ⓟ homoiconic, metacircular, functional programming language and interpreter in standard JavaScript, influenced by Forth, Lisp, REBOL and assembly
- 1993-onward • PC Ⓟ memory-mapped VESA graphics driver for DOS via DJGPP Ⓟ multi-platform 2D and 3D rendering engine w/ texture mapping Ⓟ .com file assembler
- 1990-onward • First computer: C64 w/ BASIC